Starting A Professional Services Firm: Nurturing Autonomy

Working hand-in-hand with entrepreneurs to establish new professional services firms is not only gratifying but also enlightening. One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey is challenging conventional wisdom and advocating for a different approach - one that prioritizes autonomy over control.

It's often assumed that as an organization grows, the need for rules and policies to regulate employee behavior increases. We don’t necessarily agree.

Instead, we recommend our clients strive to limit the number and scope of policies designed to control what people do. We believe that entrepreneurial professionals thrive in environments that offer a high degree of autonomy and flexibility.

Cultivate a Culture of Ownership

While we do have specific expectations regarding employee conduct and performance, we choose to communicate these through norms and expectations rather than rigid rules. By crafting a culture that values individuals who think and act like owners, we eliminate the need to micromanage their every move. 

Our mantra? "Make good decisions."

Resist the Urge for Control

Some individuals may yearn for greater clarity and documented policies, craving explicit directives to alleviate their fear of making a wrong decision. However, we posit that such individuals may not be the best fit for a startup professional services firm. 

At our previous firm, which grew to 300 employees, we maintained a concise four-page employee handbook.

Despite the brevity of our policies, everyone understood what was expected of them, and the organization functioned effectively without the need for micromanagement.

Celebrate Autonomy

Our advice to fellow entrepreneurs is simple: resist the urge to dictate how your employees should think and act. Instead, celebrate the fact that a culture of autonomy obviates the need for excessive rules. 

Focus on attracting individuals who thrive in such an environment, where creativity and initiative are celebrated.

Provide them with strong leadership and remind them that together, "we are trying to accomplish something."

By embracing autonomy and cultivating a culture of ownership, professional services firms can unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable success.

Bill Poston

Bill is the founder or principal owner of over twenty companies and nonprofit enterprises. He now focuses his energy, expertise, and experience on turning The Launch Box into a value-creating machine for other entrepreneurs.


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